This is a four stage phaser with the addition of feedback and an envelope generator driving the LFO rate. It's sporting a more subtle effect as compared to a "Schulte Compact Phasing A" which is probably the best ever produced phaser in terms of a full, organic, lush and swirling signal. No production numbers are recorded, but if you ever should try to track one down, be assured of a long and expensefull quest, since a properly working Super Phase is nearly impossible to find.
Dec. 4th, 2023: New listings of vintage Ibanez pedals for sale on our website!!!
Jan. 27th, 2023: ToneHome is still looking for an Ibanez CS-505 narrow box first issue with flying finger side graphics. Any lead is highly appreciated. Other than that we're looking for an Ibanez AD3000 Professional Analog Delay & Multi Flanger. Please submit your offers or leads here: e-mail