Somewhat rare Compressor/Sustainer, can be used as a booster as well, made by Eurotec, a division of Sola Sound/Colorsound in the UK. It is also identical to the Dharma Sound Sustainer, the Orange Sustain and the Futuristic Sounds Sustain. It actually trumpes the benchmark Ross Compressor in clarity and signal to noise ratio.
Dec. 4th, 2023: New listings of vintage Ibanez pedals for sale on our website!!!
Jan. 27th, 2023: ToneHome is still looking for an Ibanez CS-505 narrow box first issue with flying finger side graphics. Any lead is highly appreciated. Other than that we're looking for an Ibanez AD3000 Professional Analog Delay & Multi Flanger. Please submit your offers or leads here: e-mail