TONEHOME - the World of Vintage Guitar Effect Pedals
TONEHOME - the World of Vintage Guitar Effect Pedals

Narrow Box Series 1979-1980

(with square switch)

Ibanez narrow box series with square switch and flying fingers side graphic

The "narrow box series with square switch" was a fugacious series between the "narrow box series with round switch" and the subsequent "standard box series" with easy battery access. New effects were introduced, namely Analog Delay, Chorus, Flanger, Graphic EQ and the famed Tube Screamer. Only Flanger, Tube Screamer, Graphic EQ and Chorus were available with different graphics, first with, later without lateral flying fingers decor. Compressor II and Phase Tone are incredibly rare since they hade been produced before with round switch and stores were still well stocked with the earlier model. Stereo Box and both earlier Overdrives were discontinued in this series.

narrow box delay Ibanez AD-80 Analog Delay

Ibanez AD-80 Analog Delay

availability: rare
collectibility: very high
re-issued: no


narrow box compressor Ibanez CP-835 Compressor II

Ibanez CP-835 Compressor II

availability: incredibly rare, less than a dozen of existing specimen known to the author
collectibility: very high
re-issued: no


narrow box chorus Ibanez CS-505 Chorus

Ibanez CS-505 Chorus

availability: rare
collectibility: high
re-issued: no


Ibanez FL-301 Flanger

Ibanez FL-301 Flanger

availability: good
collectibility: high
re-issued: no


Ibanez GE-601 Graphic Equalizer

Ibanez GE-601 Graphic Equalizer

availability: rare
collectibility: high
re-issued: no


Ibanez PT-909 Phase Tone

Ibanez PT-909 Phase Tone

availability: extremely rare
collectibility: very high
re-issued: no


Ibanez TS-808 Tube Screamer

Ibanez TS-800 Tube Screamer Overdrive Pro

availability: rare
collectibility: very high
re-issued: yes (2014)


complete series with 1980 advertisement
PDF-Dokument [217.9 KB]
PDF-Dokument [194.0 KB]

+ + NEWS + + NEWS + +

Dec. 4th, 2023: New listings of vintage Ibanez pedals for sale on our website!!!

Jan. 27th, 2023: ToneHome is still looking for an Ibanez CS-505 narrow box first issue with flying finger side graphics. Any lead is highly appreciated. Other than that we're looking for an Ibanez AD3000 Professional Analog Delay & Multi Flanger. Please submit your offers or leads here: e-mail

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