The Overdriver is - as the name suggests - an overdrive pedal with a distinctive bass and treble boost. The pedal works very well with any kind of tube amps. With single coil pick-ups it gives a very transparent and super clean boost that sounds very dynamic and open, humbucker pick-ups will always result in a slightly overdriven signal. The bass and treble controls allow a wide range of tonal options, including a full-on treble boost. Very few of those vintage Overdriver pedals are left unmodded. Due to the remarkable volume boost when engaged, many users added a master volume pot (as the reissue pedal sports as well). This particular unit is still unmodded!
Dec. 4th, 2023: New listings of vintage Ibanez pedals for sale on our website!!!
Jan. 27th, 2023: ToneHome is still looking for an Ibanez CS-505 narrow box first issue with flying finger side graphics. Any lead is highly appreciated. Other than that we're looking for an Ibanez AD3000 Professional Analog Delay & Multi Flanger. Please submit your offers or leads here: e-mail