The BE10 is a redesigned version of the GE10 for bass guitar. Unlike guitar eqs, that start at 100Hz, the BE10 begins it's eq range at 63Hz. The reason for this is simple. Guitar equalizers just can not properly handle the low notes that a bass guitar creates. The open "E" on a bass resonates at 41Hz, far below the 100Hz cutoff of a guitar eq. By beginning the equalization process at 63Hz instead of 41Hz, the tone and "punch" of the low "E" is realized but the harmonic rumbling is left out. The result is a frequency range that lets you reach the fullest dynamic potential of your bass guitar, with the full freedom to get any tone that you desire.
Although the BE10 is essentialy the same as the GE10, the frequency range and bands are more properly suited to bass guitar. Because of transients caused by aggressive playing techniques and on board pre-amps the BE10 will operate more effectively with bass by subtractive equalization. When a certain region is boosted, a slight boost setting joined by cutting of adjacent bands will give proper emphasis.
Subtracting at 125 and 250 while slightly boosting at 63 can smooth out the response of small combo bass amps whose speakers and cabinets are very inefficient in the low octaves.
from: Ibanez Power Series pocket manual
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