TONEHOME - the World of Vintage Guitar Effect Pedals
TONEHOME - the World of Vintage Guitar Effect Pedals

Ibanez DSC10 Digital Chorus

produced: 1989-1993

list price 1991: 179 DM

availability: rare
collectibility: average

re-issued: no



The Ibanez DCS10 Digital Chorus offers the fat and clean chorus without the DIGITAL high end. The COLOR control gives warmth and rich taste. For your various favor, the DSC10 features the DELAY TIME switch that gives you many sound possibilities.


from: Ibanez Sound Effects brochure 06/90

Ibanez DSC10 Digital Chorus schematic
PDF-Dokument [21.8 KB]

+ + NEWS + + NEWS + +

Dec. 4th, 2023: New listings of vintage Ibanez pedals for sale on our website!!!

Jan. 27th, 2023: ToneHome is still looking for an Ibanez CS-505 narrow box first issue with flying finger side graphics. Any lead is highly appreciated. Other than that we're looking for an Ibanez AD3000 Professional Analog Delay & Multi Flanger. Please submit your offers or leads here: e-mail

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